Episode 61
Starting in property series - Inputs and location
January 27th, 2021
38 mins 58 secs
About this Episode
Simon and Stuart continue their series on starting in property, this week continuing on being aware of your inputs and moving on to a discussion around choosing your investment location.
The chat this week includes:
- How/why we invested the way we did.
- Low time commitments.
- Investment matrix - strategies available from low/medium/high inputs.
- Utilising external support.
- Self-refurbishment (with children).
- Knowledge can collapse the time required.
- What you're interested in, is another important input.
- Key learnings slide from Stuart.
- Considering location
- Price
- Knowing the area
- Tenant types / demand
- Hotspots
- Proximity
- Research
- (Power!) team
- Diversification
- Backup property uses.
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